Merci Pounkette, mais la ou j'habite ( Los angeles) il ya pas cours de Nerlandais personne ne l'Utilise ici alors c pas facile de la prendre ici:(
En ce qui concerne ta question le Demenagemen sera
Thanks adds, My hubby has been to Belgium last 2 months(related with his work) he said he likes it, so as you might know here in the US we dont have that much vaccation time so the time we have off
Thank you Chelhman, How about the job market, since I'll be looking for a job once there? I've heard about a lots of discrimination in France though but I've o idea about
Merci petit Chat de ton message, Jchuis dacord avec toi car quand on est partie a Paris le mois dernier on remarque La grande difference entre Les 2 pays, une grande difference alors ca metonera pas