il tarde ce film 8-) vous avez dit Ramadan ...More
but still it did not answer why moroccan women have so poor ill educated NON-ISLAMIC NON-MOSLUM thoughts that she would even consider marrying white western ...More
for the moroccan living inside morocco or outside morocco, what are your views on Abdessalam Yassine ? 1. is he a terrorist or what? ------> Don't think ...More
if u want me to answer you, u should before answer to my question why young moroccan boys marry western white women ? you asked me a very good ...More
salam la pauvre Islah ne peut pas donner du sang! :clap: moins de ch7al si je me rappelles bien chi quarante chi 7aja kg! :( drôle de coïncidence! les organisatrices ne peuvent pas ...More
i have been to maroc many many many times as i have my family living there. i am from a very modest simply family but i was surprised and schocked to see so many young moroccan ...More
[] Re: please help
22 avril 2008 à 17:34
you r still young, try to restart your life there, or come back to your country ...More
Salam tout le monde :) J'aimerai savoir ce que vous pensez du marketing halal. Comme vous le savez il y a de plus en plus de produits avec l'étiquette 'halal' que les marketeers ...More
[] Re: rencontre a montreal
22 avril 2008 à 17:14
:clap: hey hey hey :clap: Tbark Allah 3la les filles profitez-en au max ...More
Une autre question :D les personnes a poids moyen peuvent aussi donner du sang ...More
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