Le developpement humain ne se limite pas à la distribution de bols de soupe pendant le mois de Ramadan. Le developpement humain ne se ...More
ce ne sont pas les occidentaux qui gouvernent chez nous, ils sont partis depuis plus d'une quarantaine d'années. la definition du mot colonisation a changer depuis ...More
[] Re: How would you understand this...
29 septembre 2009 à 08:24
salam, the real life is thereafter. we are just crossing a bridge from an ending life to an eternal one. i really like the following Hadith: (make your living as if your life is everlasting and ...More
you are most welcome casatoulouse ...More
since the introduction of maximum one child to each family in China , a lot of chinese started moving to europe and UsA where they will be ...More
since the introduction of maximum one child to each family in China , a lot of chinese started moving to europe and UsA where they will be allowed to have a lot of ...More
voluntary? not really! i got what you mean :D anyway let's call it a voluntary migration at least no one point his dagger to us asking us to vanish ...More
what about lebanon ? yes Lebanese migration as well but it was mainly caused by civil war unlike Moroccan & Chinese migration which’s is a voluntary one. more than ...More
[] Re: zineb pas retrouvé!!!!!!!
27 septembre 2009 à 05:54
zineb 6:!, c’est ça son surnom n’est ce pas:?? comment porter un surnom Musulman, pire encore le surnom de l’epouse du Prophet (saw) est ...More
[] Re: zineb pas retrouvé!!!!!!!
26 septembre 2009 à 15:28
zineb 6:!, c’est ça son surnom n’est ce pas:?? comment porter un surnom Musulman, pire encore le surnom de l’epouse du Prophet (saw) est en même temps se rebelier contre la religion et ...More
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10 mai 1983
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