Nyorkaise, barakaALLAH oufiki alalla:) mais en faite je voulais savoir avec quoi tu accompagnes cette sauce mise a part la kefta?
Allah yebarek fike
hi there
summer is here
all of us like to go to the beach
so what s your favourite beach in morocco?
i like capo negro beach
it s lovely
i ve been there last summer
it was
:ptdr::ptdr::ptdr::ptdr:the same person with differents pseudos,and for all those years you still the same,in every Moroccan websites we find you how much you hate Moroccan men and Islam, why you
tell him to post on "aide et astuce" too, he will have more answers ;)
Thank you very much, I think he found something, and I really appreciate your help in this
ana rany Marrakeshiya behalek:D koula mera tale3i be pseudo jedid:ptdr::ptdr::ptdr::ptdr::ptdr:
anyway! hadik teyaba del hemam raha ghada tekhalikoum tenebehou kameline:-'':-'':-''
let me enjoy the
:ptdr:i can not help you ,your case needs a specialist, you are confusing me with a doctor
i feel sorry for you i think your brain has melted from the everyday punches you
salam Nyorkaise:)
bsahtek pour tes plats!
peux tu me dire stp ta sauce que tu as faite plus haut pour accompagné ta Kefta, tu peux l accompagné avec koi d autre
mdrrrrrrrrrr sincérement faite ce que vous voulez, elle ma balancer une chose je répond
aprés je félicite encore choupina
et ce commentaire de la posteusse a etait dit car elle