Hi Whatsup, I am just trying to say that Women are protected in God's eyes. Everything is stated in the Koran. No need to look further. Rights and duties for both, men and women, are clearly ...More
Salam Adds, Following the west or not is not the point. In Western societies, women are exploited, look at all the advertisements and so disgusting, they are regarded as sex objects and ...More
[] Re: extralevure
8 octobre 2008 à 13:43
Bonjour, Il faut compter au moins 2 mois pour les résultats avec une prise ...More
[] Re: Le voile:pour son mari ou Dieu???
8 octobre 2008 à 13:41
Salam Abdel, Tout d'abord, il ne s'agit pas de courage mais de conviction pour porter le voile. Je ne porte pas le voile non pas parce que je n'en ai pas le courage mais parce que je n'en ai tout ...More
[] Re: Le voile:pour son mari ou Dieu???
7 octobre 2008 à 22:36
Salam, Je te l'accorde mais bon la plupart du temps ce sont des couleurs qui font mal aux yeux alors que le but est de jouer sur la discrétion...Je ne comprends plus rien! quote ...More
I will if I have the opportunity . All I know is that both partners need to sexually satisfied each other which essential to enjoy a harmonious marital life. Allah is ...More
You know,unfortunately, the islamic teachings are not respected...some men want to have the upper hand and control their wives by imposing their rules on them. Recently, I've been told that a ...More
Yes, but it does not make me laugh, I am so sad to see how they represent the religion...You know I am a muslim and I feel insulted when I witness such a poor behaviour... They did not get the ...More
[] Re: Le voile:pour son mari ou Dieu???
7 octobre 2008 à 22:01
Salam, OUi on appelle ça le voile de la coquetterie... Je vois aussi certaines filles voilées mais maquillées à outrance, est-ce compatible??? je crois qu'a ...More
We can see this way of dressing in France too, more and more common...They even drive!!! it's ok to dress the way you like but please not in the name of Islam...Ridiculous! quote ...More
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19 mai 2008 22:26