dont be made am moroccan in yorkshire england and its almost raning everyday sometimes i wish nobody will call me from morocco to say "i cant go out becaude the sun is shining and it`s very
men chahmo laqam lih
li kayechtah makaykhabi lhayto
li neshabo moussa wela fir3awn
chikh li netsanaw baraktou, dkhal jame3 bi blaghtou
zine ihcham 3la zino o lkhayeb ila hdah ellah
qalbi o men
in fact it depends on who is that person who make us cry or feel frustrated in our life sometimes it`s better to give a second chance and see what is going to come after if nothing changes then
Am doing with it now and trying to find a job as well and it`s not easy coz i wear hijab but i need to find a job wherever and however, i need to call my family and have of there news they cant
yes definetly its wakefield city most foreigners here are indiens, pakistani, polish, i havent seen or met any arabs yet in this city.
you`ve been in leeds for
hi brother am moroccan as well just come to england 3 weeks ago you know it s not easy i got married to an english man he used to say so many things but when i came it s all de la merde