l9bi7 Wrote:
> Hi almotonabi
> that this not unplea the guilty and dishonest post
> office workers
> sending money free is a
CNN vient juste de montrer un reportage sur le Niger ou ils ont montrer le travaille excellent du contingent de médecins marocain labas. Il ont aussi parle a un docteur marocain, super bien chose
Hello laure21,
I’m all in agreement with what you said and it’s really sad to those situations continue to exist. But what the program was about is more the introduction of modawana.
For long time MRE have discovered a way to send money to their families in morocco without paying fees for it. It was just another of Moroccan ingenuity, hahaha,
Just put your 100 or 50 Euros or
Si Krim,
I agree with you, and me, too, my kids are exactly my big worries. I don’t want them when they are adults to be looked at differently because of their names or culture, but I’m afraid
mille fois merci Baugayau pour le site, j'espere que tout les Yabiladiens/nnes vont faire leur devoir pour aider. les marocains n'hesite jamais a ouvrir leurs porte monaie et leurs coeurs quand il