Hello Yani,
I hope when you said waiting to read some Moutanabi that you were talking about the real one, because the fake one is not planing on posting anytime soon, he can't dare to do that,
Dans des quartiers de Rabat aussi j'ai entendu parler de choses affreuses, des agresseurs avec couteaux qui terrorisent les gens,
La pauvrete peut vraiment faire des choses....
Hi ilhamon,
I love poetry but I'm mostly in love with old poets and old school poetry. When I write it's almost always in Arabic, where I feel the most comfortable. But amongst the new poets,
Salut Abdell,
je te prie de rester ou bien en moins de revenir vite, tu es un des gens, et depuis longtemps, qui font que ce forum est vraiment ce quí'il est. mais tout le monde a droit a
Right on,
Not only we should educate the coming generations, but also teach them how to live with other people around the world, no matter what their religion or believes are. Yes their are Arab