Al Qaida is an USA made organization in Afghanistan. So What is the point ...More
[] Re: How to defend Moroccan.
3 août 2006 à 09:54
Dear All I just spent a week in El Jadida and Sidi Bouzidi, and during my stay, prostitution was like number one topic. Young ladies have no problems going out with anybody who can pay. Europeans ...More
Hi Chelhman The article is in accordance with the statement below (in german) which indicate that this war has been planned long before. Thanks 1.) Israelischer Historiker verurteilt ...More
Dear Almot, dear Chelhman There is a big difference between Buffet and and Amir.Buffet worked hard to make his money so he has this great feeling of being able to give his own money to help. He went ...More
[] Re: Listen/Copy some good music
27 juin 2006 à 09:35
Great site, Finally I can listen to Nadim Al Ghazali now. This music remind me the great time I spent in Rabat. Thanks ...More
Le Maroc a des relations diplomatiques avec ...More
[] Re: Close your eyes...
26 juin 2006 à 09:15
[] Re: Waving The Flag
23 juin 2006 à 12:23
The french say................................... "les c o u i l l e s ...More
Résistance. Live free or ...More
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