Avant c´est Abbas El Fassi qui était ministre sans portefeuille, cette foi ci c´est Mohamed El Yazghi.Le 1er est le chef de l´istiqulal, le 2eme est celui de L´USFP.
Ma question: quel est le
According to this piece, Morocco has been sleeping and give a very bad figure, Thanks to Abbas Alfassi and his clan. These are bad news.The worst news is that this man is again the head of the next
No development without literacy
But the situation varies significantly between countries. The greatest numbers of illiterates are in five countries: Egypt, Sudan, Algeria, Morocco, and Yemen where
Illiteracy: the obstacle to an Arab renaissance - Updated: 2002-10-28 4:37 pm
Out of 270 million Arab people, some 67 million stepped into the twenty-first century without being able to read or
Dear Chelhman
I just copy/past what the experts say:
"Lack of political will
What are the main reasons for the lack of progress in literacy rates in the Arab States? One reason, experts say, is
Peu importe la relation qu´il a avec son cousin. Moi je ne vois que ce qu´il dit. Que quelqu´un tient compte ou pas est une autre question. Mais pourquoi Naif.......On peut toujours apprendre de
Many thanks Zaki1 for the link. Very interesting indeed.The prince is following very well the political landscape in his home country. Very sharpe analysis.I hope his cousin the King Med VI will take