[] Re: world dictators competition
13 mai 2009 à 11:11
you know what i m out of here:? i dont think you re ok upstairs mate:C: just calm down and tell me what the hell is bothering you:heu: exactly, i think his upstairs is ...More
[] Re: white girl
13 mai 2009 à 01:34
the copying is coming from here: :ptdr:she nailed you :ptdr: empty vessels make a hell of a noise ...More
[] Re: world dictators competition
13 mai 2009 à 01:23
free thinker you are fighting against yourself put back that book of sun tzu who u admire obviously and u r fascinated by , go stick your head from the window , yorika no tanks , no F16 , it s quiet ...More
[] Re: world dictators competition
13 mai 2009 à 00:40
but Arabs have to go back to Arabia where they came from, this is Amazigh land read the above thats you sentence , you have typed it , i presume you thought before displaying it on this forum ...More
[] Re: world dictators competition
12 mai 2009 à 22:37
wawwwwwwwwwww free thinker , i told you before that you have some problems with the arabs why you hijacking this topic to show your racist side , i told you million times , moroccans are all the ...More
[] Re: world dictators competition
12 mai 2009 à 22:27
here we are discussing dictators NOT POWERFUL country you can start a new topic talking about power what you mean with power anyway? importing rusty russian weapons?number of population ...More
[] Re: world dictators competition
12 mai 2009 à 19:35
free thinker you are a little aggressif calm down no need to be stressed it s just a topic:ptdr: we are listening don t shout and don t break your keyboard it s true most dictators are arab nowadays ...More
Le mandat d'arrêt international ne saura pas lancé par le TPI(tribunal pénal international) mais par les juges marocains qui reçoivent les plaintes des victimes et des proches ...More
[] Re: Affreux dilemme !
12 mai 2009 à 12:22
tous est d apres sa soeur !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!sa soeur est la source de l info !!!!!!!!!!!! si j ai bien compris cet histoire ,c est sa soeur qui a commence une relation avec ce mec la premiere mais ...More
[] Re: a quoi ca sert l amour?
12 mai 2009 à 12:12
c est la joie de vie sans amour la vie est ...More
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