if a fat bastard is pointing the finger at moroccan women i don t think it s wise to go with the flow and just repeat his words
prostitutes in morocco are minority most clients are married
a true moroccan wont label all moroccan women as prostitues , you are insulting here every moroccan woman which i think reflect your lack of mental ability to differentiate between a minority which
i think a scarf or hijab is allowed but the ninja outfit all black is not allowed for security reasons
europe uses CCTV , huge cameras everywhere shopping malls , banks and seeing people covering
in my opinion those moroccan terrorists who bombed Madrid trains are responsible for this , they helped fueling hate against moroccans so restrictions and new immigration laws are
Hi salma
well there are few people in this site originally algerians who get paid by their corrupted governement to market for this sort of hate compaign against morocco and moroccans specially
franchement messieurs dames je pense que vous passionnez un peu trop le débat ..
les votre vous emdorment avec l'affaire du sahara 8o8o8o8oah bon , c est ce que les algeriens pensent
A country infested by corruption & using prostitution to attract tourists is certainly not a good example.
i think your brain is infested with hate worms and maggots go
dans la maison c est inutile 6:!
c est pas acceptable dans les banques , dans les boutiques , l airport, les ecoles .....etc
question de securite
it s very obvious he is a fan of Barcelona he had to say that to feel better
wishful thinking:ptdr:
i feel sorry of barca they will be a joke in front of RM with these two best players in the
vous complainez la france interdit ca , islamophobie , injustice bla bla
je comprends pourquoi sarko a dit: la France est comme ca aimez la ou quittez la :heu:
faites un tour dans les pays