Si j'etais a votre place
Je part tot a l'eglise, et j'attend tout le monde sur les escaliers...puis je leur recite ce poeme modeste en souriant et en bonne foi:
Adieu mon ame!
je ne
La salutation dans l'islam, n'est pas limites aux muslmans entre eux:
1) Le Coran, clairement ordonne aux Croyants d'initier La salutation ( Salam) when
voici un article des déclarations des droits des humains d'aujourd'hui, il est quand même différent et plus respecteux de tous sans réference à aucun dieu ni à aucune
Salam Koutiko
To call Morocco for free, you need to set up another magicJack in Morocco...My best friend has that set up with his family, and they talk all the time just like they are both in
How do you know I don't read Koran .
I DON'T, but I did not know either that telling another muslim to read the Quran was offensive itself, even if they read it
....So you agree with me at least that this is going to be just another unhappy year for them.
:noSorry adds, I can neither agree nor disagree with you on that at this time. I
As a good Muslim I do not ask too many questions
"Wa ida ja2akom a7adon bi naba2in fatabyanou", mr adds as muslims we are ordered by allah to investigate what we hear from
Contunuation from my previous post...
The Muslims leaders are too bloody selfish to give up all that power, wealth, pleasures and support from the West..Who are the true Muslims these
I am not talking about that (the start of the colonisation) or how the Christians Buddhist Muslim....
Brother, If you ask any scientist or engineer who is not politically or
Wake up min L'Galba!
...Yes this has everything to do with religion, when AL QUDS is at stake..and when Mosques are being bomabarded left and right...the Zionist did not just pick the place for