ammoulatou,im not sure u know what sexy means!excuse me but she does have big beautiful blue eyes n her skin is not dark n her lips r just perfect..she is beautiful n she does have a sexy body n yeah ...More
pour moi c matthew mcconaughey the sexiest man eveeeer ...More
j ai deja lu le livre en anglais et j ai appris plein de choses sur les hommes lol.very good ...More
[] Re: retarder ses regles avec tricilest
18 juillet 2009 à 23:09
moi ossi jai le meme prob,j oré mes regles le jour de mon mariage :( jai commencé a prende Adepal pr la premiere fois il ya 2 jours et je veux enchainer 2 plaquettes pour retarder mes l ...More
[] Re: dreams
29 juin 2009 à 00:27
i never have meaningfful dreams..i usually dream of what happens during my day :D and usually i forget about them lol why dont u answr that qst and tell us about ur dreams?why u asking btw?r u into ...More
[] Re: el khit lebyed
29 juin 2009 à 00:21
what is it ...More
[] Re: moroccan culture
29 juin 2009 à 00:19
speaking of mentality..the thing i hate the most is the involvment in others business,pple just caant mind their own ...More
[] Re: jokes
29 juin 2009 à 00:13
An English teacher was explaining to his students the concept of gender association in the English language. He stated how hurricanes at one time were given feminine names and how ships and ...More
j t envoyé les liens par mp enjoy ...More
[] Re: Shopping de la mariee!!!!
23 janvier 2009 à 21:37
i know what u talking about..but at least u have a list on ur mind. i better get a list of mi own :P ,thanx for sharing urs,it gave me some ...More
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1 janv. 2009 14:55