[] Re: moroccans in Spain and Italy
8 juillet 2009 à 13:48
exactely(tu) oh finally someone who does understand me:D thank you ...More
[] Re: moroccans in Spain and Italy
8 juillet 2009 à 11:12
who s talking to you mate???? everyone is free to say his opinion ...More
[] Re: nass el ghiwane by nabila maan
8 juillet 2009 à 11:09
really????? well i tell you what you re the one who ...More
[] Re: should we trust google?
8 juillet 2009 à 10:45
but we are in a free ...More
[] Re: micheal jackson memorial ceremony
8 juillet 2009 à 10:44
yes that s right very ...More
[] Re: nass el ghiwane by nabila maan
8 juillet 2009 à 10:43
yes but what do you think of nabila s ...More
[] Re: moroccans in Spain and Italy
8 juillet 2009 à 10:43
well let s make it clear who told them to go over there anyway it was their choice so they either stay there and wait for the end of the crisis or they can come back to morocco:heu: (lcrisis raha ...More
[] Re: goodbye michel jackson
8 juillet 2009 à 08:33
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10 oct. 1981
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11 mai 2009 15:14