by the way, i forgot to say something.
yes i was born in America not in Morocco and im as Moroccan as they come, and yes i can speak Moroccan better than you.
Live with
Salma, ana ghi 3roubi, i never said the opposit.
what's new?
i love my himar, when i say asha ara, he understands me.
but for ur info i was never interested in those chiki chiks, they are not from
But if u want to continu i love it, im not tired, i just don't want to hurt ur feelings..
I could go all day and all night long, im Moroccan, it's in my blood, in my DNA.
i can talk
Guelti beslama wemazal tadwi m3aya?
ok, ana tangool lik beslama, rani ghi tandhak m3ak al ghzal
Matk3aish :no
rani bghit nshed fik oushedite fik :P
let the blood flow into ur brain,
bezaaaaaaaaaaaaaf 3lik galak mn dour ana meknaaaaaaaaassya mn dar lkbira wel3aila me3roufa
chouf nta kiderti wselti leztazen
wakila drebtiha bchi hergua
wgalek i was born
God save what?
God save whom?
Are u for real?
And u're calling me mkalekh?
i wonder who is Mkalekh u or i?
it's 2009 and u're saying long live the king , long live the queen?
Hello, it's 2009
si le roi M6 veut vraiment etre democrote comme il pretend, qu'il arrete cette pratique du mpoyen age.
On le salut main to main un homme vers un homme sauf s'il veut veut pretendre encore sa
c'est quoi cette tradition de merde?
on doit saluer nos papas mano to mono, et on baise les mains de nos mamans, c'a c'est legal.
mais baiser les mains des hommes est un acte des laches.
Je suis contre et 100% contre.
l'homme ne baise jamais les mais d'un autre homme, c'est cond.
c'est stupide.
c'est qui le roi?
dieu nous a tous cree les memes, n'est ce
Im not ur dear and i have a life, u don't see me spending 24/7 in a Moroccan Forum, do u?
girl, u're too short to ride a big horse.
stick with the low life donkeys?
How do u expect to ride a horse