chibani , tu dois remplacer le: elles par le Ils et le Maroc par : pays maghrebins , pays du Golf ., pays asiatique, USA, l europe ................. prostituion existe partout ...More
une emission qui respecte le code islamique !!!!!!! hahahaha za3ma la voilee respecte le code islamique ou vivez vous ? ce que je remarque au Maroc le comportement des voilees est beaucoup pire ...More
young beggers pretending they are disable so as to steal ...More
[] Re: lebanese people
23 octobre 2009 à 13:17
russian, lithuanian women and majority of eastern european women are prostitues ,Vodka addicts with no family values this is not a racist comment but the truth , they are gold diggers , cold ...More
[] Re: the glue sniffers
24 septembre 2009 à 10:04
most parents are irresponsible they just conceive , give birth and directly to the street, tatl9ahe mcha tle9 mratou , sme7 fwladou wghadi ytzwej ...More
[] Re: A chocking video !
23 septembre 2009 à 11:03
tyical moroccans , no health and safety ! but the worst is jou9a dyal lbachar li tatfreje wtadaf3aa tgoule lmalik dayez wella 7la9i tsou9 chi taydf3a chi wtayzidoha belfhamate wel afkare whoma walou ...More
PS, make sure this sentence is included in the solicitor letter But the british embassy is asking for a permanent court order to leave for the child.. which quasi impossible to ...More
ok Mounia i understand now , the main thing is gather as much proof of your relationship with your british citizen husband as you can : emails , post card , wedding photos , things which shows that ...More
you wrote : you were married then you got divorced two years ago: what nationality was your first husband ? WERE YOU ON A WORK PERMIT DEPENDANT VISA?DID YOU HAVE TO SWITCH THE TYPE OF VISA ...More
beardies extremists are like sheap , they like to behave alike , think the same , if anyone says : hold on , there is a problem and there are ways to solve it and help the victims , this person in ...More
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12 oct. 1980
Registration date:
14 juil. 2009 10:39
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8 sept. 2010 18:25