salam, rajaouia,mohammed el gara et chef expert de rabat. je ne le connais pas personnelement mais on m'a prete' un livre de toutes les recettes marocaine qui les preparent. je ne sais pas s'il se ...More
[] Re: is Morocco a Muslim country?
10 septembre 2009 à 09:10
Marocain, do you believe that in hereafter everyone will be handed his book after Kiyama? if you say yes; remember to answer your God when he'll ask you his first questions "who is your God? who is ...More
[] Re: is Morocco a Muslim country?
10 septembre 2009 à 08:48
Dear Mr. Cloclo, Happy day to you, Thank you for your comment. Please find bellow answers to yours questions posted above. chariaa law was invented (In Medina, ...More
[] Re: is Morocco a Muslim country?
10 septembre 2009 à 08:27
librepenseur, carry on being libre penseur (free thinker) and don't throw the sponge like that. keep bebating with judgement and not useless emoticons ...More
[] Re: is Morocco a Muslim country?
10 septembre 2009 à 08:22
In one of your recent post debating democracy in Morocco, you backed one of your comments by the following Hadith of the Prophet (pbuh): (man ra'a minkoum mounkarane fal'yourayrhou biyadihi, fa ine ...More
[] Re: is Morocco a Muslim country?
9 septembre 2009 à 13:08
Sorry cloclo, you missed the point, reread the tile of this post. We ‘re not discussing either Islam is the true religion or a wrong one. if you want to debate this matter please open a new thread ...More
je jure qu'hier j'ai fait wahad al HARCHA, la fille la plus doue' ne pourra faire pareil. j'ai appris la recette dans ce forum. c'etais vraiment la perfection sachant que c'etait justa ma troisieme ...More
lahbib, que te dire mon frere, je souffre :( et personne n'est la pour appaiser la misfortune. ton frere n'a personne qui lui prepare ch'hiwate ourah mara3 yadrabe mara3 yakhta. des fois je rate ...More
[] Re: is Morocco a Muslim country?
8 septembre 2009 à 12:59
if during the prophet time and few months after his death it was Fitna about khilafa and muslims killing each other whats making you think that shari"a law in 2009 will be the path ...More
[] Re: is Morocco a Muslim country?
8 septembre 2009 à 03:40
Imam Gazali said "azmatou al Islami laysa (not) fi aha3ditihi walakine fil moutaha3ditina3 anhou" In other words Imam Gazali aknowledge that our misfortune is not in our "noussousse but people ...More
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