Lots of selfishness. Bad driving is due to selfishness - never give way to anybody, push yourself first even if it means putting other road users lives in danger (td) But lots of things are changing ...More
Pingping - what is with you and prostitutes? Actually your pseudo pingpong sounds like a prostitutes nickname in Thailand ...More
adds, now you have mentioned it - we've met some pakistanis as well. They were behaving really arrogantly, using foul language, taking a p... out of some locals. Thankfully some moroccans from UK put ...More
of course he's free to marry whoever he wants - that was just a friendly advice - there is nothing wrong with my mentality ...More
hello, i am a pakistani national in uk for last 5 years .and me need help about getting morocco tourist visa,i applied 2 times but got no reply.can anybody help me in this ...More
adds, I'm very sorry about your dog.It does hurt - I've lost mine almost 3 years ago. He was 10. You get used to it, his companionship, affection, loyalty etc. I've cried for 2 days :( What can I say ...More
[] Re: Jobs in London
6 mars 2010 à 19:28
Have you tried McDonald's, Burger King? They always need staff. Also try to ask for a jo in hotels. Catering agencies is another ...More
[] Re: summer food
3 janvier 2010 à 22:44
Nothing more refreshing on a hot summers day than fresh fruit milkshake. It can be made with juice instead of ...More
najmae, it all depends on where you're planning to go. Is is hot in there or wet? Most of the travellers are packing only basic things- like hygiene "tools"- soap, toothbrush,towel etc., also extra ...More
[] Re: Mazagan Beach resort - Grand Opening
8 décembre 2009 à 21:38
Le truc est passé sur une emission de TF1 .. à qui voudra voir (sorry, i dont speak english):D That's shame, because ...More
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15 sept. 2009 22:30
Last visit:
11 sept. 2010 16:16