le the marocain est le meilleur the du monde ,je le prepare de la meme facon que vous avez mentionnez ,le probleme c'est la ou j'habite la menthe fraiche est chere et difficile de la trouver donc
Your English is fine, don't worry too much, it's just a matter of time and practice, you have to keep in touch with people whose native language is English in order to improve it. I
well for me at least i'm going to stay in my friend house no need for Hotel or food( rdate al walidine):D :D ,the problem is my friend she is working and very busy with her baby ,and i
I have the arabic package channels from dish network company since 2 years i got with a promotional offer , they have the 2 channels that you mention .the quality of the picture is
i would like to know some information too , i have a friend who lives in NewYork and i'm thinking to take a vacation and rest a little bit of my hectic job, God !!! it's so stresseful ,
the sad
combien d'entre vous les filles se son fait dragué par des hommes homme mariés ??
avotre avis ils meritent quoi ??
les hommes maries qui draguent des
Ewa tbarkllah 3la al moutanabi et son soleil!!!!! .le sentiment de la jalousie existe en chacun de nous et de differents degrees, mais la jalousie en amour est differente et delicieuse.
on veut
moi aussi je compte visiter la france prochainement inchaeallah,j'ai bcp de famille la bas mais mon cas est different de ta tante de toute facon toute les informations sont