[] Re: Morocco sentences pair to death
5 juillet 2005 à 18:29
fair enough.... thank you for the ...More
[] Re: I believe....
5 juillet 2005 à 18:26
Hi Laure, thank you....unfortuntly this beutiful poem is not from me...I've just got it from a friend and I wanted to share it with you....but I believe that your advices are very usefull;) ...More
salam mdlazreg, I agree with you that the moroccan migrants may help the country a lot..I 'm not sure if this help is greater than that of the uropeen union to spain because I havn't got any ...More
Hi, brother mdlazreg; spain progressed not because spanish people used their own language but because spain has got a lot of help from europeen's completely different...other thing... ...More
[] Re: African American and Moroccan
24 juin 2005 à 19:35
Hi, I would say just be your self....natural as much as you can....tray to understand the culture and the traditions.....and if you can see the positive side of the country you will have great ...More
I hope English will replace French in Morocco so our people could study and have much more opportunities to get jobs and to live in different countries around the world...with French you‘ve got ...More
dans mon entourage il y a bien des femmes dites ``moches`` malgres que la beaute est relative...mais parcequ’elle ont un bon coeur et un bon character elles ont eu aucun probleme a trouver un ...More
[] Re: eureur ou destin
15 juin 2005 à 18:47
salam khadouj, ne te laisse pas faire...leve la tete et sois courageuse...prends un avocat ou cheche les gens qui peuvent t' y a surement quelqu'un ....est ce une erreur ou pas ...c ...More
[] Re: Aidez moi svp..
14 juin 2005 à 07:55
Kamar, voir ton premier t'ai propose une ...More
Bonjour ma soeur, l’histoire de faire un mariage blanc parceque c’est une bonne chose c’est pas trop credible mais bon j’ai une solution qui pourrait peut etre sauver votre ...More
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