No doubt someone will correct me if I am wrong..............but I believe that 'per capita' the UK donates more to good causes than any other nation in the World. Have you seen the reports from Niger ...More
Her father was a shopkeeper - a strange background for a girl to end up as Conservative Prime Minister. Ronald Reagan was terrified of her! LoL. No I don't recall seeing that film Yani. Not that I ...More
Yes, the good old Iron Lady. She should be PM now! She would soon sort out Bush! ...More
23 juillet 2005 à 20:42
Il est plus facile et plus sur d'envoyer un cheque a la croix ...More
[] Re: repousse des cheveux
23 juillet 2005 à 20:36
Il existe plusieurs conditions.Quand soudain quelqu'un perde les cheveux, c'est possible que c'est ce que les medecins apellent ALOPECIA . Il y a deux genres ALOPECIA TOTALE perte de cheveux ...More
By the way - I have just watched another report on the Niger famine. Horrible......... horrible. One family of 6 killed a rat and were cooking it for dinner - between all 6 of them, and that was the ...More
Calm down everyone! It was only said 'tongue in cheek'! ...More
Il etait definitivement un des kamikazes de hier - c'est confirme par les police. Desoleee de decevoir quelqu'uns parmis ...More
[] Re: WHY A FATWA.?
22 juillet 2005 à 13:43
I think it's best to stick to the English forum - LoL - we are a much nicer lot than that lot over there, that's for sure, judging by some of the sh-t that pours forth from some of their mouths. If ...More
Personally I think that we should get rid of all the male leaders of every country in the World and replace them with women! They are not daft enough to get into wars which are only going to cause ...More
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15 juin 2005 12:53
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