Yes but the people in power are just interested in their own interests mostly, so what are we doing about it, I'm waiting to hear ideas. Non-violent ones ...More
[] Re: ke detestez vous chez un homme
22 juillet 2005 à 01:06
Les mensonges, l'arrogance, la violence, la manipulation, les hommes qui sont ...More
[] Re: Najat a'tabo.
22 juillet 2005 à 01:00
Salaam, I think you are enjoying yourself berber! Why not start a revolution instead of just yelling? I'd love to see some berber tv. You could write some book sin berber as well, I think that ...More
[] Re: La femme et le travail
22 juillet 2005 à 00:51
Salaam, Il faut aussi que le mari ne rendre pas le travail impossible a sa femme en le donnent trop de travail a la maison. Je parle des hommes quie creer du travail pour se sentir aime par leurs ...More
[] Re: Amazigh kids get role model
21 juillet 2005 à 14:36
Wow, good idea. Maybe not dealing with djinns though as a role ...More
Asslamu aleikum, mais oui il y a un probleme... c'est la difference entre la croyance et les gens qui ne veux pas mettre en pratique leur croyance... a mon avis si on croit en quelque chose il faut ...More
[] Re: WHY A FATWA.?
21 juillet 2005 à 02:56
And definitely we should have a fatwa against intolerance of terrible written french ; ...More
[] Re: WHY A FATWA.?
21 juillet 2005 à 02:54
Assalamu aleikum, I understand what you mean about a fatwa being an insult to Muslims, nevertheless I think it has to be made absolutely clear to everyone that it is outlawed in Islam to become a ...More
Alhamdolillah, I think the news here must just be scaremongering then... it's quite striking the difference in news that is reported through different services in different locations. I'm very ...More
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20 juin 2005 11:46
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