Congratulations surtout pour ton style et la descriprtion de un homme que..... ne peut pas exister!!!!
Si ca me plairait? Et comment? tu lui connais? Ou est il?????
Se ton fianceè aime l'Italia, ecrit lui:
"Tu est l'odeur de un merveilleuse pizza margherita, le plus bon plateau de spaghetti au tomate, douce comme un caffè italien et petillante comme le
Moi simplement, la 1er chose est la Communication, un interest similar et sourtout que il te fait rire!!!!
La beautè, oui si ton homme est "bello" c'est ne pas un dommage, mais pas de touts une
Hello Tej, you know i have at least 15 traditional dresses, sent from Fattah mama and a friend of mine, caftans, jellabà and the babouche too, i will certailny wear one of them.
I knew so much
Thank you fossil that is my wish too of course, to the moroccan community all over our beautiful world!
Aziz_dk, i tell you you are très très SIMPATICO my
Ciao Aziz_dk!!!!!
You cheeky monkey!!!!!! Some morning what....???!!!
Confidentially... between the two of us...(!!!) ..
yes that could do for me too!!! ;-P
A nice jumper would also be
Est que il ya un mots plus fort que jelouse????
Se oui, alors c'est pour moi!!!
Oui je suis tres jelouse et mon fiancee aussi.
Vraiment je croi que la
And since i read you wrote somewhere you 'd like to meet nmoroccans coz they are sexy, i think WE understood already what you are looking for....
Well i think there are 1000 of specific web site
believe me i know the US pretty good my dear, and regarding your feeling of my "dumb" comment.... please feel free to explain why do you think it is dumb.
AND i have a wonderful life