une des coutumes c'est nommer les "siyyed" et je vois pas mal de gens faire ça par eemple sur Salé. Par exemple si quelqu'un leur raconte un mal qui leur est arrivé, alors pour s'en preserver ils ...More
Ou même des trucs blasphématoire aussi faut faire attention, genre par exemple je me rapelle une série qui passait au Maroc (Muhtesem Yuzyil Kosem/ Harim soltan Kosem) où dans un épisode le ...More
I still think you can't keep/ wear them, it'd be better if you asked someone whether you can keep them. I had mine as gifts as well, but I'd rather be sure to not have anything that can cause me to ...More
I don't think you should kee them even if they were gifts though. I threw away mine even if I never believed they brought anything or protected me from anything anyways. It's ...More
So I'm not just criticizing, it's shirk ...More
You understood what I was referring to, so that's the point. Otherwise please let us know about the correct names! And yes though, believing the symbols bring you something or protect you is ...More
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9 nov. 1984
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30 déc. 2016 13:56
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10 mars 2017 22:38