tu va tt droit ver lui é tu di:
ha wahd salam ou3alykoum sidi hna dyrine wahd laihsaa é on veu te posé dé qstion el akh mjaouje chehal 3andak dial
let me just give you an exemple you are in a gas station and a person point a gun at you take you walet and then shot you! what will the copes do? that will be to late by the time they'll be there
well...i ve been living in america for a long time...and to tell the truth ..i feel more secure in here than morocco...i don't know about the other cities but where i
well...i ve been living in america for a long time...and to tell the truth ..i feel more secure in here than morocco...i don't know about the other cities but where i live the crime
khalik lili :L::A: hihihi
faites comme moi et vou aurez pas a vous soucier du reste :D
hahya la réponse : (tu)
moi cest ni bises ni serrer la main
franchement ce post il est cool et merci pour le blog sa fait plaisir pour ceux ki kiff les films de bollhiwood....
ya pas de souci ma soeur on est la quand tu veux! si