ce serait bpte de gaspiller ton argent que dans le shopping, économiser pour votre avenir sera meilleur je pense :) en tout cas c'est ce que j'aurais fais parce que si le mari
Alors qui gere le budget familial de votre couple ? qui decide quoi acheter au sein de votre foyer ?
Vous le faites ensembles ,ou bien ce n est fait que par une personne du couple
Well that's another issue that I dont wanna talk about!If I start telling you the number of injustice I've seen in morocco that jew made to my neighbours and I can tell you that was not extreme
Just imagine we are all brothers and sisters in this planet......who kill their brothers in palestine and kill their other brothers and sisters in iraq and have disrimination for their brothers and
well for me a moroccan jew is still morocan , and he is my country man ,actually i m doing business with a nice morocan jew who lives in nyc , wonderful guy and he loves his country