tout a fait daccord avec toi frero le9bi7. jai grandi au maroc et eu mon bac labas et franchement je pense pas que jai un niveau bas en francais!ni en sciences(19 en moyenne chaque trimestre :D ) ni
en ec qui me concerne chaque fois que je fais mes courses je verifie les etiquettes s'il ya : gelatine , animal fat , lecithine, whey ( but if it from milk its ok) ..plein de trucs
there are many other video! you should watch video and conference of Brother Yusuf Estes he was a Priest in a catholique church then he converted to islam and now he gives conference for Da3wa and
hey guys i've found the link for you
there are 4 videos in the page go to the first one : Turning Muslims in Texas, Pepole reverting to
I just wanted to say that I'd seen the video you guys are talking about few weeks ago and it was just awesome I was so amazed mashalah for those guys who had converted to Islam!!!
And the