Indeed, Islam like most other religions, is full of discrimination, especially towards women.
I am sure sweetlatifa will come along and pretend that all of this is normal, there is no
Ok guys calm down!!!!, I'll try to answer your questions.
First of all, I am a young woman, and as a Muslim, I do not feel any injustice or whatsoever.
There are so many
You know, you should learn how to have some thinking,the you will be be to have some wisdom...
Yes ,men are held financially responsible, women can participate in the expenses,
I am just describing the holy message of Allah, full of wisdom.
God is fair and if we fellow his teachings, no one will be wronged.
There is no discrimination in Islam. The
If our women back home get at least what their sisters get a broad it can be a great achievement. Not all Europeans are highly educated and clever.
The European society still contain
la paix pour tous
craignez ALLAH dans ces interdits la f... c est la maniere dont les démons se reproduise (les "reves rose" durant la nuit les incubes et succubes
C'est juste mon avis personnel mais je trouve que ces certificats de virginité sont une des plus grosses humiliation qu'on peut infliger a une femme. (je suis un