T'es un mec de cité ??? Je pensais que t'étais une fille autant pour moi :ptdr:
Après pour répondre au post, jviens d'une cité et on insulte ni les mères ni les
You're lucky that I have to go back to my work, somebody needs to wake you up
I don't talk to you anymore because you're making me angry (tP)
Now, Talk to my hand
Nope, I'm sure as I 'm sure that your eyes are full of caca for not seeing the love that exist between you and Minato
What are you talking about in your first sentence ? 6:!
Do it she is an heartless monster, give it to him for free ??
WHAT ????? 8o
I thought you are my friend, I'm so desappointed :(
You have begin this game...I want
Come on, I'm crying, have some empathy
Are you a monster??? Your heart seems to be so cold, I'm so sad for you
Moreover I'm the victim of a injustice, I was hacked, that's not fair to just
She is in a great shape alhamdoulillah, I don't know yet 3adh trajighte
Thanks bro
You have raison
Comment va you wife? Upjes ?
How Many Time is thé hlal? Ya du sisso