Indeed this goes to show that these were (and are) decisively good allies. L essentiel est que cet espionage US defend plutot les interets du Maroc et n a pas vocation a nous ...More
You just ended up agreeing with me ... May be with insults but you did : ) Better luck next time. You just keep repeating what's already known and if what I say is ...More
Facts are facts. That military dictatorship of yours is no different than your buddies in Syria and Lybia... and you are up to no good in the region. You should probably think of cleaning ...More
You want to be rational ? Your country has been attempting to destabilize and divide its neighboring country and has done the unspeakable, not the other way around. Facts are facts. Now you ...More
???? Define what you mean by friend please. You have some serious issues from what I am reading Anyway have a better day : ) Intelligent man/woman ...More
Sans insultes SVP...Tous les Marocains sont un peu Espagnols : ) Ce n'est qu'un parti qui fait dans le populisme.. Ni plus ni ...More
Stp definis ami. Je vais me faire l'avocat du diable avec un grand D, le maroc était trop occupé à espionner les innocents et les vrais ...More
Je repete que le Maroc et la Tunisie ne cherchent pas midi a 14 heures dans la region, Capisce? It is obvious as obvious can be and I don't like your sneaky ...More
C'est ca respire un bon coup. No. They are not one and the same. Tu souffres de dissonance cognitive, respire un coup, va prendre l'air et revient pour te relire car tu es en ...More
Dis le plutot a l'Algerie qui ne respecte pas la souverainete du Maroc et qui veut allumer les braises dans la region : ) Many countries spy so you just can't single out the US, UK ...More
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30 déc. 1978
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