If these women fought for their right to dress as they want, then women dressing modestly must also fight in turn to have this right to love modesty
Breaking with their
T’es I see what you mean so for example an argument could be this:
There is inequality in relation to what they want to dictate from society because they make laws for these naked people and
W 3alaykom salam
Déjà premièrement on ne force personne même si c’est une obligation d’Allah .
Deuxièmement en quoi porter le voile serait une souffrance si on est croyant et que cela
yes and this word means that we will be in the decadent society you mention
Just like this prophetic word speaking of women dressed but naked and this is exactly your reference
But forgive me
the same girl who you said " that’s you! You search desperately to marry here :oups:
C'est qui que tu traite de schyzo ?
Man just speak clearly
Ya think she could not understand english and she doesn’t delete the post? :ptdr:
Non c’est juste une réponse qu’il fallait qu’elle soit dite comprendra qui pourra
Il y a des choses vrais dans ce que tu dis mon frère
Mais je crois que le chiffre de ceux et celles qui ne comptent jamais se marier est bien plus gonfler que ça
C’est pas forcé que