Well, that leaves our new guest. But I'd say, in our beautiful moroccan tradition, mar7ba and he's free to say what he wants, we're not exactly morons, so we'll counter-argue at every ...More
Demha, un grand (tu) pour ta ...More
Le citoyen kèt twou7em 3lia ...More
Hi again Almot, The Walt-Mearsheimer thesis mentioned in this article was debated, I already posted it here somewhere but here's a link below. It's a bit long but very interesting and ...More
JD désolé chelhman :( mais n'est pas un bon exemple de la difficulté qu'il y a de porter un regard neuf sur ce qui parait évident à tout le monde ...More
[] Re: Pack up your stuff and go !
13 novembre 2006 à 15:20
Guys, you have to admit that we've hit rock bottom with the moron in chief and the Republicans. So the Democrats might at least tilt the balance a little but it's the US, they've never been a ...More
Sympa la tournure que prends la discussion, quand je pense à "auto-critique", naïvement je voyais quelquechose de plus philosophique qu'une dissertation sur nos zizis:) J'dis ça, j'dis ...More
Hi Almot, I've read the CNN article, couldn't get the NYtimes, it requires subscription. Hamas is making a gesture but I'm pessimistic and it won't be their fault this time, the current israeli ...More
baba123 Shelhman, Pretty soon you will get a call from haaretz news paper offering you a Job, you sound just like them. I read some of your post, and you are unlashing your ...More
[] Re: ça existe encore chez nous
13 novembre 2006 à 00:12
LeMask, on recommence à interpréter ce que je dis à travers ton prisme ? Je ne suis pas pour la laïcité au Maroc, c'est trop tôt, relis nos échanges sur le forum anglophone. Mais de toute ...More
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8 avril 2006 03:52
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