That man was impressive, a moroccan in the purest of traditions, he kept saying "mar7aba" over and over again, the open arms policy, hard to be hostile in front of a man who wants to share his home ...More
[] Re: Moving to Saudi Arabia,
14 novembre 2008 à 15:30
Atlanticpacific, I wasn't going anywhere, I just found it weird that you mentioned "roots" when referring to KSA, I honestly don't get where you could have seen a race issue in here, it's about our ...More
[] Re: Moving to Saudi Arabia,
14 novembre 2008 à 12:30
atlanticpacific ...but who knows you might be still be a form five student Yes, that must be it, I'm just not bright enough I guess. I can't possibly be having a different ...More
[] Re: Australian Land
13 novembre 2008 à 17:43
Then maybe there's the possibility of applying online, try these sites ...More
[] Re: Moving to Saudi Arabia,
13 novembre 2008 à 13:08
atlanticpacific a return to the roots Roots ? Really ? I didn't know Morocco was an offshoot of Saudia ...More
[] Re: Australian Land
13 novembre 2008 à 12:58
There is no australian embassy or consulate in Morocco, they're represented by the Canadians in Rabat : 13 bis, rue Jaafar Assadik Rabat-Agdal Morocco Phone: ...More
[] Re: Moroccans in USA
8 novembre 2008 à 09:11
They've set up a nice website here, you'll probably find what you're looking ...More
[] Re: AFRICOM Base in Tan Tan
7 octobre 2008 à 12:35
Reports are conflicted, the US are denying the establishment of Africom in Morocco. Last week, it was announced that the base of operations would be in Stuttgart ...More
wasmen ceci,les marocains le doivent, en grande partie aux vous laisse deviner le pourquoi ... i9aréd'n ?:P C'est vrai que Swassa pèsent lourd dans ...More
Donatello Ca ne m'etonne pas vraiment que l'immo continue à grimper, puisque c'est lié au moyen de paiement, enfin je peux me tromper, mais en comparant avec la france, ...More
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