Hi Krim, Of course I understood that your title was ironical. Still you wouldn't believe the number willing to swallow this kind of junk, maybe not on this forum being a moroccan one. I'm always ...More
[] Re: Logiciel photo
30 mai 2006 à 20:48
Essaie Picasa, il est assez performant et en plus il est gratuit. Tu trouveras la version française ici : ...More
je vole avec Ryan Air depuis quelques années, les avions sont toujours excellents, jamais eu de retard, il y a eu quelques cafouillages quand l'aventure Ryan Air a commencé d'où la mauvaise ...More
Hi Krim, I've looked at the website, it's not very credible, it's a bunch of right-wing nuts, even racist by the way they present a story about the two saudi young men and the fact they advertise ...More
[] Re: The Tragedy still goes on....
29 mai 2006 à 20:53
I wonder if Morocco doesn't have a hidden agenda on this one : they let the situation fester near the enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla, it's an invitation to african immigrants to keep pounding at those ...More
[] Re: translation
29 mai 2006 à 19:28
"Racists are people whose anger is ...More
Hi Krim, It was a joke, "six feet under" is a TV show about a family of morticians. It's a little edgy, but they found a way to de-dramatize ...More
Krim said : "How do we decide where we want this final resting place to be?" You call the crew from "six feet under", they'll arrange ...More
Hadaoui a dit : "je suis entrain de rechercher sur le nombre de marocains das les prisons europeenes et personne ne parlent d'eux." Les Marocains détiennent la palme d'or en Belgique par ...More
Same here, I don't really care. The way I see it, we're just a pack of bones, so what's the difference where you're buried. If my kids want to remember me, we have wonderful technology now, with ...More
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8 avril 2006 03:52
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8 févr. 2016 14:17