I'm afraid in that regard, things are still the same. You still need to shake hands with a folded bill in the palm of your hand to get any document. Except for us MREs, as we are so colourfully ...More
"bill gates offre enormement aux pays pauvres. et enplus il va sur place." Ce qu'il donne, n'est pas dénué d'arrière-pensées : primo, les dons sont déduits fiscalement, secundo, il va ...More
I think it's a mistake for Morocco to get entangled with the IMF and BaselII regulatory systems, especially when it comes to their deposit rules, money laundering...etc. It's too soon, the moroccan ...More
Ilhem2 said : "as all of you I have a lot of respect for what the new king is doing …all positives changes in the country are good sing …however obviously only we (Moroccan based outside the ...More
Thanks, and you're right , this is the first time I've ever heard of ...More
For those of us who don't read arabic, could you tell us what this about ? ...More
"t'as dressé le vrai portrait de ce mec (benchemsi), il ya certains parents qui ont volé le peuple et ont utilisé cet argent pour mal éduquer leurs enfants, ces mêmes enfants diffament dans ...More
"I guess most people on here won't even know who Jack Straw actually is!" Ooooh, but we do. He's part of that troïka who sent young Brits to their death in Irak, making up a whole bunch of ...More
que la constitution marocaine stipule clairement que le maroc est un pys musulman et que le chef de l'etat est amir el mouminine , et parmis les sources de droits de la ...More
Moroccans are expecting too much, too soon, he's only been here for 7 years if memory serves. We've all seen first hand while on vacation the progress, we need to remember where we came from, dissent ...More
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8 avril 2006 03:52
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8 févr. 2016 14:17