I wouldn´t really say that it´s made in a professional way. There is missing a lot of ingredients. It is as if history, and the whole conflict begins after 9/11. While 9/11 is only a consequense of
C´est un tout petit aeroport, construit aux moments du protectorat, mais modernisé. Je l´ai utilisé deja qq fois, comme il y a pas bcp de vols, il y a pas
mdlazreg a écrit:
> Salaam merrakch,
> >>>>>>>>"Those who would
> trade freedom for security... deserve neither"
> Benjamin
I wouldn´t say that I can understand people changing their names,but I believe it´s their right cause they are free. Off course that shows that it is a greath problem being a muslim in many
come_and_Talk Wrote:
> you need to choose the right english, most english
> speaking nations don't speak proper
> English.....apart from
Cher Amir,
Si je peux me permettre de repondre moi aussi, j´ai un opinion. Je crois que toute notre societé est hypocrite en ce qui concerne ce sujet. Je ne generalise pas biensur. L´homme veut
salam tous le monde,
Moi aussi je vois des trucs pareils ici. C´est hypocrite et ridicule. Et j´explique pourquoi. Tout d´abord pourquoi l´homme choisi les shortes, il doit au moins aussi etre