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'Morocco Towns' in Dutch Cities
21 May 2009 00:05
THE HAGUE, 20/06/08 - Districts like 'Morocco Town' should be created in Dutch cities. The "stimulation and promotion of ethnic-cultural theme districts or areas" is an explicit recommendation by the expertise centre for urban policy (Nicis).

Nicis presented the research report 'Economic opportunities of ethnic diversity' yesterday. This says that in Amsterdam and The Hague, 47 percent of the non-Western immigrants do not belong to the working population. In Rotterdam, this is as much as 52 percent. The report makes recommendations on getting them into work and improving the economic position of the cities.

"The encouraging of structural ethnic-cultural areas can lead to more incoming tourism and to more foreign investment," the report says. Examples from abroad are known. "Little Italy in London are impressive examples of the enrichment that ethnic diversity can offer. As well, a city like Brussels has an entire Moroccan street." According to Nicis, "Encouraging ethnic-cultural districts and events must certainly not be limited to just shops" as these should be a "sensation".

Nicis does not believe the proposal will run into popular opposition. "The indigenous Dutch are becoming more and more interested in other cultures," according to the report.

Nicis notes that 20 percent of the Dutch have an immigrant background. Among residents of the big cities (Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague, Utrecht), this figure is 50 percent - and among the babies now being born in Utrecht, 70 percent.

Nicis welcomes ethnic concentration. "We must get rid of the dogma of (ethnic) distribution in the cities." The researchers also criticise the fact that "in municipalities, 'white' people are thinking about the opportunities for ethnic diversity."

The institute expects its recommendations could reduce the number of non-Western immigrants on welfare benefit by 25 percent, which would mean annual savings of 270 million euros for the four major cities. "For the whole of the Netherlands, the benefit payments would come down by as much as 550-600 million. By cutting the high level of sick-leave among immigrants another 220 million euros could be saved."

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/21/2009 11:24 by sbs2000.
21 May 2009 11:07
living on welfare benefit is a mentality in Holland whats happens is when the moroccan immigrant or turkish arrive in holland on a temporary visa they work hard for three years after they become dutch citizens they start milkinmg the system , the benefit system is the target, it s a pure mentality , there are a lot of jobs available specially in the hague which is a huge city with plenty jobs
specially the young generation of immigration they just don t have the guts to get up early and earn a living in a dignified way without abusing the wefare system

introducing structrual ethnic areas won t change a thing , it s hard to change mentalities perplexe
27 May 2009 17:18
hi there
but i cant understand why do you want to compare germany with morocco?Are you crazy
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