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8ème conférence internationale sur les signes scientifiques dans le Coran et...
27 June 2007 01:36
Thu. Nov. 30, 2006

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The Eighth International Conference on the Scientific Signs in the Qur'an and Sunnah ended Wednesday night amidst great enthusiasm among the audience.

The Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs of Kuwait made several announcements during the closing ceremony to support the work of its conference coorganizer, the International Commission on the Scientific Signs in the Qur'an and Sunnah. The ministry announced the establishment of a waqf (religious endowment) for the support of the commission's work. It also pledged to build a research center in Kuwait to incubate research projects supported by the commission. Finally, it is establishing a private satellite channel specialized in the topic of scientific signs in the Qur'an and Sunnah.

Despite general enthusiasm, Dr. Abdullah Al-Turki, the secretary general of the Muslim World League, cautioned against the lack of scientific debate that defined most conference sessions.

"The physician or the researcher in the applied field has to have with him [in session] people who are not convinced with his efforts and direction so we would listen to the opposing opinions and there would be development in the study. We hope that in the future we would reach that level," he said.

He also called for a change in the way the conference is being organized to allow for more interaction.

"A researcher and scientist who have worked [on their projects] for months and for a long time, when he is only given a chance to speak for 5 or 10 minutes, this is not appropriate. Sometimes conferences are better [organized] in the form of forums or workshops where every group studies something separately and then the general audience can benefit through the media center or through the [announced] results."

On the other hand Dr. Nabil Sadoun, National Board Member of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the largest Islamic civil liberties group in the United States, thought that the way this conference is structured probably allowed for discussion and debate to take place during the paper review period.

Organizing Conference in the West

Responding to some of the calls made during the closing ceremony to hold such conferences in the West, Dr. Sadoun told that this would require special care in how it is handled.

"If the studies are abiding by scientific standards in a decisive manner then their results would be logical and convincing. But if they do not abide by scientific and academic standards in a decisive fashion then there will be embarrassment to the Muslims in front of American researchers because the matter of scientific production and research in America is at a high and advanced level."

"[If we are] to choose from among the studies those which the Muslim scientists here have scrutinized very well and present them there, then the participation of the Muslim [researchers] would be an honorable one to Islam and Muslims. The studies would be convincing, leave a [positive] effect, and cause a stir in the West. Otherwise if there was any leniency in adhering to these scientific standards and abiding by them, it would cause the opposite reaction."

Modern Science in the Qur'an

As did the last conference, the closing ceremony included a speech by a convert to Islam. Milan Schultz >>> [] , from the Czech Republic, said that his introspections into the universe changed him from a disbeliever to a believer in God 25 years ago.

"But I was not looking for religion because I thought all religions are wrong," he said, "and about Islam I only had negative information"

He said that later, however, he came to read about the Qur’an and found in it scientific signs that were only understood in recent history. This lead to his conversion to Islam.
La loi française nous oblige à conserver les données pendant 1 an pour pouvoir identifier la personne en cas de plaintes pour diffamation ou autres.
27 June 2007 12:03
what a waste.
Developped societies are spending money on scientific research and Koweit is spending money to look for scientific signs in the Qur'an.

not wonder that we are so lagging behind.
27 June 2007 16:05
what a waste.
Developped societies are spending money on scientific research and Koweit is spending money to look for scientific signs in the Qur'an.

not wonder that we are so lagging behind.

if you say that, it means that you don't know the scientific realities that Quran has brought from more than 1400 years ago and which has just been proved by science.
do you know that a lot of eminent scientifics became muslims thanks to those conferences.
La foi est l'espoir de la vie...
27 June 2007 16:56
Passerby, you speak like an unfaithful person...

Coran isnt a book about poetry or something like that... it's a book of law, it's a book of life, it's a book of science... everything important in life is in the Coran.

and the objective isnt to make the science advance but to see if the science of today can explain to us some parts in the Coran.

what a lack of respect... you have no respect for our religion, you jump on the worst possible interpretation and you make it your own... jeez.
27 June 2007 18:39
LeMask...and you conclude your reply swearing by Jesus!! Jeez. LOL. No offence meant here.
27 June 2007 18:45
what a waste.
Developped societies are spending money on scientific research and Koweit is spending money to look for scientific signs in the Qur'an.

not wonder that we are so lagging behind.

if you say that, it means that you don't know the scientific realities that Quran has brought from more than 1400 years ago and which has just been proved by science.
do you know that a lot of eminent scientifics became muslims thanks to those conferences.

I think it's a mistake to consider the Quraan as a scientific book, it's not. It's a book about life, no more no less.

I dont see what benefit can be taken from proving that the it contains scientific miracles, we are already Muslims, we don't need further proofs.

Muslim/Arab countries are the countries that spend the least amount of money on scientific research. What koweit has announced is completly useless and a waste of money and resources. That money is better spent on R&D.

Just my opinion.
27 June 2007 18:55
yes but imagine that quran could contain informations for future discoveries
La loi française nous oblige à conserver les données pendant 1 an pour pouvoir identifier la personne en cas de plaintes pour diffamation ou autres.
27 June 2007 18:55
Passerby, you speak like an unfaithful person...

Coran isnt a book about poetry or something like that... it's a book of law, it's a book of life, it's a book of science... everything important in life is in the Coran.

and the objective isnt to make the science advance but to see if the science of today can explain to us some parts in the Coran.

what a lack of respect... you have no respect for our religion, you jump on the worst possible interpretation and you make it your own... jeez.

sorry to have shocked you.
I would have been shocked a couple of years ago as well by what I have just said, i have grown up since.

I am sure in a couple of years you will get to the same comclusions, just keep an open mind.
27 June 2007 19:02
racines ^^ i love this expression... some of my friends say "jeez" or "jeessssus"... ^^ and i think that it's very very funny...

and Passerby, whatever dude, i dont ask you to be perfect... but i dont think you are open minded... or that you have evolved. you adapted, you didnt evolve. there is a big difference between these two things...
27 June 2007 21:50
Milan Schultz found proabaly a way to do business with these hostages.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/27/2007 09:51 by Krim.
27 June 2007 21:51
Milan Schultz found proabaly a way to do business with these hostages.
27 June 2007 22:28
I think you're all right here. It is more efficient and productive to spend money on activities that will improve our current status, at the same time the image of Islam has been damaged a great deal since 9/11 and this kind of conference attemps to bring back some credibility to Islam and Muslims, so I can understand the motivation behind organizing it. If only we also organized results driven conferences...
29 June 2007 08:46

An international comparison

Table A-2 in the Annex provides a synopsis of information contained in UNESCO’s 1996 and 1998 World Science Reports (WSRs) on science inputs and outputs, supplemented by other sources, in ten "regions" in the early 1990s.


The Arab population account for a little more than 4% of the world population but, in spite of the proverbial "oil wealth", their gross economic output (PPP

[12] as expressed in American dollars) falls short of that share

(see Figure 5).

Two standard quantitative measures of inputs into scientific activity are used internationally: R&D personnel and gross expenditure on R&D (GERD). According to UNESCO data, the Arab region fares rather well on the overall size of R&D personnel (though proportionately it is still slightly lower than its share of world population).

It is on GERD that the region performs miserably. At 0.2% of GDP, compared to the world average of 1.4%, it is the lowest-ranking among all ten regions considered. In fact, it is actually lower than sub-Saharan Africa, which is considerably poorer.


Scientists in the Arab region, it appears, are in plentiful in number, but starved for resources. Because of this, among other factors, scientific output is low.

Two basic classes of indicators of scientific output are used inter­nationally: publications (derived from the Science Citation Index) and patents granted.

[14] UNESCO reports on two patent registration sources: European and American.

The Arab region shows a modest share of scientific publication but totally vanishes from the international map when it comes to patent registration. This indicates two sorry realities of science in the region: lack of a strong institutional foundation (publication can be easier achieved individually and is required for promotion of academic institutions

[15]) and weak articulation with the — to start with rudimentary — production system.

It is more instructive to investigate the productivity (output as related to resources) of scientific activity in the region.

Figure 6 compares scientific productivity, measured by publications (not patents) relative to population, R&D personnel, GERD and GDP (as a percentage of the world average) of ten regions.

The Arab region’s publication-productivity, relative to GERD, is above average. In fact, on that indicator, the Arab region ranks even higher than that of North America, Western Europe or Asia.


To pursue a proposition advanced above, valuable individual product­ivity is apparently squandered due to lack of resources. This relatively higher publication productivity, however, can represent a waste of potential (on account of deficiency of institutional basis for science in Arab countries) and be a forerunner of an even more extensive brain drain of Arab scientific talent.

However, relative to R&D personnel, the Arab region’s publication productivity ranks lowest among the ten regions (slightly lower than sub-Saharan Africa).

In fact, with the exception of publications per unit of GERD, science productivity in the Arab region is considerably lower than the world average. On all indicators of scientific productivity considered, the Arab region is roughly comparable to the (much poorer) sub-Saharan Africa (though the latter scores better relative to GDP — Arab wealth is quite ineffective in this respect).

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/29/2007 08:47 by Krim.
29 June 2007 13:35
what a waste.
Developped societies are spending money on scientific research and Koweit is spending money to look for scientific signs in the Qur'an.

not wonder that we are so lagging behind.

if you say that, it means that you don't know the scientific realities that Quran has brought from more than 1400 years ago and which has just been proved by science.
do you know that a lot of eminent scientifics became muslims thanks to those conferences.

I think it's a mistake to consider the Quraan as a scientific book, it's not. It's a book about life, no more no less.

I dont see what benefit can be taken from proving that the it contains scientific miracles, we are already Muslims, we don't need further proofs.

Muslim/Arab countries are the countries that spend the least amount of money on scientific research. What koweit has announced is completly useless and a waste of money and resources. That money is better spent on R&D.

Just my opinion.

I think it's not a mistake

for you knowledge .... this video : []
La foi est l'espoir de la vie...
29 June 2007 15:06
The video does not mean anything. One can only learn about the need of some muslims of having an european who join them in their belief.This man did not mention which scientific sign he discovered in Coran.
A good muslim does not need to believe in this sort of propaganda and does not need to engineer a scientific sign in the coran.A good muslim should rely on learning and on the hard work to achieve discoveries and contribute to science.
29 June 2007 23:25

I think it's not a mistake

for you knowledge .... this video : []

Where is the scientific miracle?
30 June 2007 00:10
omg? a scientist turned into a Muslim? that the proof that Islam is true... we all know that scientists are super human, they cant make mistakes...

they are one step below god... they are perfect...

come on guys! find better arguments than that. i'm happy for them, but it doesnt prove anything... i think that Islam deserves better arguments than "eh look, the smart guy is now Muslim..."
3 July 2007 13:43

I think it's not a mistake

for you knowledge .... this video : []

Where is the scientific miracle?

i can give you the tittle of a book of CHEIKH AL SHARAWY RAHIMAHO ALLAH. He wrote one book about "MO3JIZATE AL 9OR2ANE" "miracle of coran" in arabic...
i hope that you can read arabic...

i have read this book. It is fantastic...

i am remembering one exemple of a NASA scientist who has discovered that iron is not a terrestrial metal. he has calculated, thanks to recent technology, energy allowing the alliance of one molecule of iron. The result which he obtained has impressed him.
he found that to constitute only one moléculé of iron, the energy required is estimated at 4 times the energy of the solar system.
and you know that we find iron inside the terrestrial sphere.
and when 3olamas tell him that there is one verse of coran that explain that iron is coming from outside
he tells i think this book (coran) is not from a human...... smiling smiley


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57.25. Laqad arsalna rusulana bialbayyinati waanzalna maAAahumu alkitaba waalmeezana liyaqooma alnnasu bialqisti waanzalna alhadeeda feehi ba/sun shadeedun wamanafiAAu lilnnasi waliyaAAlama Allahu man yansuruhu warusulahu bialghaybi inna Allaha qawiyyun AAazeezun
57.25. Nous avons effectivement envoyé Nos Messagers avec des preuves évidentes, et fait descendre avec eux le Livre et la balance, afin que les gens établissent la justice. Et Nous avons fait descendre le fer, dans lequel il y a une force redoutable, aussi bien que des utilités pour les gens, et pour qu'Allah reconnaisse qui, dans l'Invisible, défendra Sa cause et celle de Ses Messagers. Certes, Allah est Fort et Puissant.
57.25 . We verily sent Our messengers with clear proofs , and revealed with them the Scripture and the Balance , that mankind may observe right measure ; and He revealed iron , wherein is mighty power and ( many ) uses for mankind , and that Allah may know him who helpeth Him and His messengers , though unseen . Lo! Allah is Strong , Almighty

salamo aleikom
La foi est l'espoir de la vie...
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