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A - The Oummah, Who? What? Why? How? When?
15 November 2006 11:00

New Discussion insha-Allah We All can Learn something from each other & Correct some of our information, this is the Beauty of Living another beautiful day like today, Masha-Allah, So Let's See what we can share at this moment insha-Allah,

I want you boys & girls here always get your facts straight, which means show us a proof in the Noble Qur'aan & "Teaching of the Prophet" Mohamed PBUH or what is called "Sunnah"of course you don't have too if only sharing your thoughts/ideas/comments, not haram in Islam to do so unless arguing a mater dealt with by AL Moushari3 Allah Subhanaho-Wa-Ta3ala in His Own Words "Qur'aan" OR From Sayidina Mohamed PBUH as Allah Chosen Him, Commands, & Guide Him to do, Therefore Allah is Telling Us About Prophet Mohamed PBUH Message (Islam and teachings) or as Allah Said (some references): "Wama Yantiqo 3ani Al-Hawa in Houwwa illa Wahyoun Youhha,... from verse in Qur’aan.

Now we sat The Grounds, Let's emphasize some of those beautiful teachings as Our Beloved Messenger Thought Us, One example here only cause time won't permit more, The Oummah" Did you know that the Oummah of Prophet & Messenger Mohamed PBUH includes All the people we see today around us? How so? Yes all Christians, Jews, Muslims etc, well then why? Every Single Human Being is Born Since The First Day The Message Came to Rassuli-Allah & Until The End of This Life on This Planet Earth "Last-day, Judgment-day" Till The END All Are Called The Oummah of Prophet Mohamed & All of them will come & lineup behind the Messenger of their time in our case here it is Mohamed PBUH, Not Christians Behind Jesus Nor Jews Behind Moses etc,

This Tell Us Quiet allot about this Unique/Universal Message of Islam to Mankind "Wama Arssalnaka illa Rahmatan Lil-3alamin,..” Not Just to: Arabs people, Turquish people, OR Muslims in particular; which Many People from All Backgrounds Think it is. Now These People we see, work with, live with, study with, etc are not just extras but Allah Has Made them Part of the Oummah of Prophet Mohamed PBUH therefore they have many rights from Islam even if they are not Muslims, Amazing! Isn’t it, Subhana-Allah, Yes I was Surprised Just Like You First Time I Learned this & did some wondering and reflections about it until I swallow it properly & correctly,

Participate insha-Allah By Sharing with Us All:

Who is Our Oummah ?
What is The Oummah Means?
Why it Means That "Oummah" ?
How it is This Word Oummah ?
When Can We Call it Oummah ?

May Allah Rewards You All, Walahmdulillahi Rabbi Al-3alamine,..
16 November 2006 01:22
salam alaykum


In fact the word Ouma was enough to scare our compatriots to debate such subject.
16 November 2006 10:27
Ahmad oual iifrite

Chouaib Yaatani Bihaghlih

Souadon tamchi illa Almaktabah

KHaalati Aloummo lil oilad koul Albatatis
Kahal Aloualad anaa La Akoulo Albatatis

KHaalati Aloummo Lil Aassa
Idribi aloualad...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/16/2006 10:30 by Krim.
16 November 2006 15:53
salam alaykum


thank you for your valuable contribution eh!
16 November 2006 17:18
Thank You to You in the First Place, why? since you are the First one to bring back hope to me before I was gonna put An X on this discussion business cause I thought it might be just a waiste of time and who has enough time days to waiste it these days, Subhana-Allah, Merci Beaucoup, we do still have good people like yourself willing to be part of something good May Allah Bless you Ameen & Thank you once, and very sorry if I am bothering you by sending you this Private Message just felt obligated And Allah Knows Best, Bye Bye, Ma3assalam,
16 November 2006 17:21
WOW, I am Glad Just the Word Ouma can do that to you, I hope it shall works as well for others as it did with, Great Stuff now, thank again and always keep up the good work cause it's never waisted and you just did prouve that me loud & clear, Chao ma soeurthumbs up
16 November 2006 17:24
Krim Ana Fhamtak Shi-Shwiya Mashi-Bazaf, illa Kan Moumkin T-Zid Shwiya Fi-Tafssir, Allah E-Hafdak, Shoukran Khouya Bazzaf, Bazzaf, Bazzaf
16 November 2006 18:05
salam alaykum


thank you for your valuable contribution eh!

Allah Ghaleb Alalla
17 November 2006 14:43

So Any Answers for those Hanging Questions from anyone Here ???
Who is Our Oummah ?
What is The Oummah Means?
Why it Means That word called "Oummah" ?
How it is This Word Oummah ?
When Can We Call it Oummah ?
Good Luck Answering, Sharing & Thanks Alot for being Such a Good Sportswinking smiley
"Do Not Worry if The Whole World is Right & You Are Wrong But Worry Alot if You Are The Only 1 Right, Since it's Almost Impossible for That to Be True, Winks, Ha, ha, ha"
17 November 2006 23:08
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