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A9im salaatak 9abl mamaatak...
7 November 2005 15:59
Salaam 3alaikom wa ra7matou Allah wa barakatouh..


A9im salaatak 9abla mamaatak... []

Oukhtoukoum fi dien

7 November 2005 16:39
the link is not working
The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep …
7 November 2005 17:04
I guess what Muslima wanna say is .. tinyurl is small programme that can help you, if you have long webside name you reduice it.. to a small one

just my guess

8 November 2005 10:04
ohhhwww!!! Sorry, i taught it would work.. but i will try it again, when i go home in chae Allah i wil place it again.. hope it will work then! Sorry!
8 November 2005 10:06
oke, i found it.. here it is []
in chae Allah it will work now! smiling smiley
8 November 2005 18:50
thanks for that, it was used to broadcast on abu dabi tv smiling smiley
The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep …
9 November 2005 08:47
That is possible, i found it on a islam dutch webpage and i taught this is good to share it with others.. It makes people think! Wa in chae Allah yehdina wa yehdihoum illa tarie9 el mosta9iem jamie3an.

salaam 3alaikom
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