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About the holocaust...
24 December 2006 00:30
Here's an interesting editorial on the egyptian Al Ahram by Azmi Bishara about the holocaust, since it's news because of the iranian circus. Very well thought.

24 December 2006 23:29
Very interesting analysis indeed. Although I found it strange that Iran's conference and Ahmadinajad is not mentioned anywhere...
25 December 2006 00:16
Azmi Bishara is one of these arab members of the knesset. He is very well informed and very critical and each time I listen to him or read something from him I really appreciate the way he respect the rules of the game.In his environement you better be sharp.
Dear Shirren
Please read carefully his piece, he is adressing the issue whithout mentioning names.I would say the issue you mention is at the heart of his message.
With respects
25 December 2006 00:35
In his critic of Memri.
See Norman Finkelstein Webpage

Finkelstein (at 23 min 41sec of full interview video):

"I think it's important to separate the two issues. Number 1, there is the issue of the truth of the Nazi holocaust. In my opinion, rational people will not debate whether the Nazi holocaust happened. Of course the Nazi holocaust happened. It was a colossal crime that was committed against Jews, against Gypsies, against the handicapped, against many peoples. Among those people were the crimes committed, colossal crimes, against the Jews. Roughly speaking, you can say between 5 and 5 1/2 million Jews were exterminated during World War 2. That's the factual question and rational people, reasonable people, will not debate the factual question. But then there is a second question, the political question, namely, the use to which the Nazi holocaust has been put. Is the Nazi holocaust being used as a way of enlightening people about human suffering and about crimes committed against innocent people? Or is the Nazi holocaust being used to confuse people and to deny crimes which are being committed now by Jews? That's a political question and we shouldn't confuse the two. There are many people unfortunately who, because Israel has misused the Nazi holocaust, exploited the Nazi holocaust, they have decided to deny the Nazi holocaust ever happened. Now, to me, that's foolish. You can't deny facts. It happened. It was horrific. What you should do, in my opinion, is to expose the wrong purposes, the evil purposes to which these facts are being put. That's a separate question."
15 January 2007 10:10
No human has the right to take the life of another human being. As for the amount that died well 5 1/2 mill those figures alone are far to high in anyones own calculations. An organisation in the world that have a open pass port and the only organisation that men and women train 6months every 2 years untill they reach 50 in a country in which they dont live. Why not have the question krim the reason....for this, no-one mentions the reason that lead to the killings of black, hundicaped, jews and gypies. Same goes for palistine no-one mentions the reason why isreal is taking over. See Hitler made one mistake the wrong one instead he should of got them in the town square and asked them to ask their God down to speak on their behalf and palistine should do the same get isreal to call on their god and tell the world he gave the land to them and you know that aint going to happen. To have a contract with god means you dont trust him. So expose the reason that led hitler TO THIS .. ay bush reads the same holy book as hitler he might have a few sugestions for you. mohamed and jesus died because they spoke up against landlords and todays they still control propaganda.
17 January 2007 00:13
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