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US Administration claims USD 29Mn for Morocco in FY 2008
20 February 2007 17:11

This an article which gives an ideas about the polticy of USA towards Arabic country. In the first reading , it seems the importance presence of the uncle sam gouvernment in the Middle east and the north Africa politicy.

Washington, Feb. 19 - The US administration claimed USD 29.05Mn for Morocco in the fiscal 2008, according to a document of the US State Department.

This assistance will, inter alia, be allocated to economic growth in a bid to improve investment environment in Morocco and help the North African country implement the Free Trade Agreement in force since January 2006. It is also meant to improve the productivity and create business opportunities in the agriculture and agri-business sector.

It will also support Morocco’s efforts to improve education, create job opportunities and consolidate the government’s capacities at the central and local levels.

The document recalls that Morocco has submitted to the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC)- the corporation that manages the Millennium Challenge Account- projects of a value of USD 700 million.

The US State Department claimed USD 5.4Bn for the Middle East region, compared to USD 5.2Bn in 2006. The lion share, i.e. USD 2.4Bn is allocated to Israel, while Egypt comes second with USD 1.72Bn.

The assistance allotted to Jordan is estimated at USD 513.21Mn, USD 391.8Mn for Iraq, USD 59.77 for Lebanon, while the assistance destined to the Palestinian Territories is estimated at USD 77Mn, including USD 24.5Mn to humanitarian assistance.

For the Maghreb countries, the State Department claimed USD 4.76Mn for Tunisia, USD 2.88Mn for Algeria, USD 6.95Mn for Mauritania and USD 1.15Mn for Libya.
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