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Africa Internet Users (statistics)
20 February 2007 13:40
Africa Internet Users (statistics)

I found a site that tracks the number of internet users by continents and individual countries, including all Africa nations (both for 2007 and 2000).

Overall the number of Internet users in Africa is now at 33 million up from 4.5 in 2007. If anyone is interested in more specific stats check out the link


The Countries with the largest amount of users for 2007 are:
( ) 2000 stat.

1. South Africa 5.1 million (2.4)
2. Nigeria 5.0 million (0.2)
2. Egypt 5.0 million (0.5)
4. Morocco 4.6 million (0.1)
5. Sundan 2.8 million (0.03)
6. Algeria 1.9 million (0.05)
7. Kenya 1.1 million (0.2)
8 Zimbabwe 1.0 million (0.05)

Africa 32.8 million (4.5)
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