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aicha e chenna and single mothers in Morocco
18 September 2009 11:11
helping these women is it 7aram to the point to send death threats to this brave courageous woman ?

18 September 2009 16:53
beardies extremists are like sheap , they like to behave alike , think the same , if anyone says : hold on , there is a problem and there are ways to solve it and help the victims , this person in their narrow minds , is not a muslim deserve to die
morocco needs more of this type of women who do projects to help the weak
allah ykter mn mtalha Cool

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/18/2009 04:54 by whatp.
25 September 2009 15:06
tuer une femme qui aide les femmes celebataire thumbs downce sont des malades psychologiques

mayr7mou maykhliw rahma tnzel thumbs down
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