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Al-Zandani: Al-Eiman University has a cure for AIDS
5 December 2006 13:00
Al-Zandani: Al-Eiman University has a cure for AIDS
By: Yemen Times Staff

Saleh congratulates Al-Zandani for the graduation of new batches from Al-Eiman University
SANA’A, Aug. 21 — The controversial religious university is declaring a cure for the deadly disease AIDS. At Al-Eman University, the director Abdul-Majid Al-Zindani gave a speech to praise the quality of scientific and medical research carried out at the university claiming that they have treated many cases of leukemia and hepatitis B and C. The declaration came in his speech for the graduation ceremony on Monday. Also in attendance were President Saleh along with Arab and foreign ambassadors and diplomats.

In 20 AIDS cases Al-Zandani said the virus had vanished completely without any side effects. He called the UN, which "spends enormous amounts of money to fight the disease," to send "its senior scientists to see [the university's] findings".

He said the university was established to compensate for the loss of Islamic religious scholars.

On his part, President Saleh denied accusations against the university saying that the university was established solely to create scholars of religion armed with science and Islamic teachings, in order to add to the great scholars of the past.

He confirmed the university never teaches extremism but rather focuses on religious values. "Al-Eman University is one of the Yemeni educational institutions. It graduates scholars and intellectuals and its students are part of the Yemeni people," he added.

Several intellectual people and doctors, who preferred to remain anonymous, told Yemen Times that they were disappointed by the declaration, describing it as a political move rather than a scientific discovery. They said Al-Eman University is not qualified enough to conduct such research and they don't think the discovery is real. They called Al-Zandani to organize a scientific conference to present the findings.

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5 December 2006 13:01
Is it a joke ?

Or a new arab science presented by Al Jazeera.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/05/2006 01:05 by Krim.
5 December 2006 15:24
Hi all,

I would say a joke.....but a silly one....
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