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Algerian Diplomacy and Moroccophobia
5 February 2009 20:22
The Algerian diplomacy has been suffering from a debilitating condition called Moroccophobia. One of the many symptoms of this condition is an obsessive compulsive disorder to destroy the image of the kingdom of Morocco. In fact, for many years Morocco has been a punching bag of the Algerian diplomacy in order to hide internal governmental failures and to portray Algeria as a regional and international power player. By crafting their diplomacy around the Western Sahara conflict and making supporting the Polisario separatist movement as the center piece of its international relations.....

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8 February 2009 18:45
diplomacy is an art, i don t think algerians are civilized enough to learn any diplomacy skills

OCD is a very serious illness may god cure them , amineDanse
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