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Amateur video of a beating in Sidi Ifni (Morocco)
22 August 2008 12:37
"Blows aren't the solution":

The harbour of Sidi Ifni, in southern Morocco, was once again blocked by citizens on strike last Monday. This video, sent by one of our Moroccan observers, seems to show that the strike was broken up in a particularly brutal way.

"Blows aren't the solution":
22 August 2008 17:19

this video shows to what extent we are living in a "new era" in which truncheons are more sophisticated and more developed, i wonder why our generals were not so efficient when the Spaniards landed on leila and took the so brave moroccan soldiers as hostages from our land, they opted for diplomacy just because they new they were and are helpless, Now they are playing rambo against their compatriots, i always have a question when i see such horrible scenes, the savages (i don't want to call them soldiers as they don't deserve it) that are executing such dumb stupid orders, it never comes to their sick minds that the poor guy they are beating the hell out of could be their brother or kin or at least is coming from the same rotten poor social background ? anyway, i remember a scene from the english version of Arrissala (the message of Islam), when Anthony Quinn playing Hamza (R) embraces Islam and is back from hunting and finds Quraich mistreating the muslims, he tells Abu jahla, how brave you are!! then he turns to the audience and says, he is the bravest man in the desert, when he meets unarmed Men...Abu jahl is our makhzen, when it comes to dealing with corruption and social injustice it is helpless, and when it comes to mistreating its own poeple, it is most efficient...Allah ichouf men halna ....
"The true traveller is without goal, it is the absence of goals which creates the ultimate traveller."Gao Xingjian 'Soul Mountain'
22 August 2008 20:15
There is no comparison with how the Americans treat the Iraqis and how the Israelis treat the Palestinians.
The Moroccan Authorities use more excessive, unnecessary force on their own people.
This video is shocking and sickening to watch , and no other Arab country so far has raised it's voice and condemned the violence.
Totaly disgusted and sickened by this attrocious and violent regime. Truly ,the old leopard never changes it's spots.

Le gouvernement a un bras long et un bras court ; le long sert à prendre et arrive partout, le bras court sert à donner, mais il arrive seulement à ceux qui sont tout près.
Silone, Le pain et le vin.
22 August 2008 23:52
El Gitano
Le gouvernement a un bras long et un bras court ; le long sert à prendre et arrive partout, le bras court sert à donner, mais il arrive seulement à ceux qui sont tout près.
grinning smiley
24 August 2008 17:56
24 August 2008 19:47
L'autre region qui etait sous l'occupation Espagnole , la voila abandonnee a son sort.

Les gens essaient de gagner leur pain avec du trabando et d'autres vivent grace aux EMR .


Le gouvernement a un brs long et un bras court;le long sert a prendre et arrive partout, le bras court sert a donner, mais il arrive seulement a ceux qui sont tout pres.
24 August 2008 20:03
El Gitano
L'autre region qui etait sous l'occupation Espagnole , la voila abandonnee a son sort.

Les gens essaient de gagner leur pain avec du trabando et d'autres vivent grace aux EMR .


Le gouvernement a un brs long et un bras court;le long sert a prendre et arrive partout, le bras court sert a donner, mais il arrive seulement a ceux qui sont tout pres.
Thanks for this video
25 August 2008 22:27
barbaric ! this only tells us that the dark years that everyone is telling us are behind us ...are still here & the same bastards are still around killing peoples hopes & spreading fear ...
the more people protest & expose these acts the closer we move to stop these horrible scenes & live if a civilased society were citizens have rights & obligations ...
Well done to Ait baram3ane ...
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