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American family asks for mercy from the king!
11 April 2009 01:25
In A video on you tube .under "His ROyal Majesty King MohammedVI"

An American family is imploring directly the king to release their husband and father
a retired 67 years old sick man imprisonned in the town of Sale!

Video should be seen!!
11 April 2009 21:33
If it's drug related, they should let the old man go free, what are you gonna teach a 67 year old by putting him in jail for trying to smuggle hashish? for sure he won't stop smoking hashish after his release.
If it's for something else than it's a judge's decision and even the king should not interefer with the law.
13 April 2009 03:35
Dear wafiner

I think that if the man is 67 years old, and get caught with hashish,they should let him free, and the king should pardon him. but if the man is convicted with high crimes, like overthrowing the regime, I think that they should keep him in jail for a longtime. but give his family the right to visit him.
13 April 2009 06:53
But there are hundreds if not thousands of Moroccans trown in jail for hashish-related illegal activities. Why should M6 pardon this one and not the other guys? It's really a catch 22: you don't release him and people call you heartless. You do release him and you show that the Moroccan system is not a fair one. I know the guy is old but what was he thinking ???? Besides, 67 is the new 50, so he's not that old :-)


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/13/2009 06:54 by koutiko.
13 April 2009 07:45
Dear Mr Koutiko
Sometimes people should show mercy toward other people, and specially foreigners, the man is an American in Moroccan jail,and with the AntiAmerican sentiment in arabic countries, that man is going to have hard time to survive, beside serving his sentence.Like I said if the man did not comit high crimes.I think that Sa majesty king Mohammed VI,since he is Amir moueminnin,and the highest judge,he can overrule any judge,shows some mercy, and free the man to his family.He can take advantage of any religious events, and pardon this man.Our religion is religion of mercy, not a religion of tat for tat.from the other hand if the matter is brought to his Majesty, he is a wise man,and he will make the right decision.
13 April 2009 10:52
I've watched the video, if I hear the word "Majesty" one more time, I think I'm gonna scream, he should be released just so that she stops talking...

On a more serious note, if everything is true, I think he should be released for medical reasons, the justice system most likely allows it, it's pointless to keep him detained in Morocco, or if there's any bilateral agreement between the US and our country, he could serve the remainder of his sentence in a US prison, although I doubt that agreement exists.
Besides, what the video shows is that these are not rich people, they don't have the means to be going back and forth to visit him or provide any assistance whatsoever, it should be taken into account.
Also, besides not being rich, they're not exactly very smart either, this is not a Betancourt style campaign, I didn't see their congressman making a plea to M6 or a prime time CNN topic on them.
I say, release the man after reviewing his medical records, it's the right thing to do, he made a mistake, happens to the best of us.
13 April 2009 11:01
when you start making exceptions based on nationality , age or medical condition this underminds the law
no one is above the law , if there is any justice if a begger commit a crime he needs to be punished , ifa prince or even the king commit a crime he needs to be punsihed , all need to be treated in the same way

you do the crime , you do the time simple as that
i agree with the idea that he could spend the rest of his sentence in his countryt but not go unpunished , smuggling drugs is a serious crime , a lot of young people s lives get destroyed by these drugs
14 April 2009 04:27
I hope if they could do something about his case especially he's a sick and an old man, but it said before for drug dealer the law is very strict all over the world!
A Tanja ya 3aleya... 3aleya be sewariha....aye layellah...
18 April 2009 14:42
Hi all!

Most of the comments are fair but the one that sticks out most is that if the man has been caught with this bad habit in big quantity as to destroy the youth and lign up his pockets, he should serve the time as anybody else. He should have thought of the consequences and his nationality and M6 are irrelevant.
Sympathy should be measured by the size of the crime and leave M6 out of it.

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