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American hegemony on the planet ! Will it last?
28 December 2005 01:50
As a reluctant african immigrant to the USA, I have noticed big changes in the last two decades.I believe that the capitalist system is experiencing some major difficulties. The American economy is more and more monopolistic, the middle class is shrinking, outsourcing is the rule, and war is the only route to invigorate this tired giant.
Once the USSR fell apart, America was looking for an enemy and none could be found they made the enemy.Islamic fundamentalism and terrorism have replaced the evil empire of communism. Some muslims either fell in the trap or may have even cooperated with the american war machine to galvanize this dream.
Consequence: War in Afghanistaan, in Iraaq. It is a double gain OIl and the bisiness of WAR.
Feed back. Later...
2 January 2006 14:30
Dear shamsiah,
i am sure it will you wrote, before it was the communism, now the islamic extremist and next.... who knows?
One thing i am sure: they (americans) certainly were not interested in the Cuban Cigars, if not they would have made up an excuse against Fidel Castro, in order to get those beautiful parfumed they basically did in Iraq.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/02/2006 02:31 by Georgina.
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